Film Suche




Harry and Sally in modern / RomCom

Film Suche 29.07.2019 19:57:44

1 Kommentar(e) | 456 Klick(s) | Suche Film aus folgendem Genre:

Markus (Gast) - sucht nach folgendem Film, kannst du helfen?

Girl and Boy Go to School. "Just Friends". Too Shy to ask out for the graduate ball. She gets pregnant by accident by her Partner. He moves on to study in New York. Has a Model Girl-friend. They meet over and over again, but the timing is always awful. Has a happy End, of course.

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Larissacc (Gast) - schrieb am 30.07.2019 9:01:39 Uhr

That´s "Love, Rosie"