Film Suche




Ehepaar und fremder aufdringlicher mann

Film Suche 07.04.2016 22:10:38

2 Kommentar(e) | 2024 Klick(s) | Suche Film aus folgendem Zeitraum / Jahr:

Thomas Wally (Gast) - sucht nach folgendem Film, kannst du helfen?

Ein junges ehepaar, bekommt von einem scheinbar fremden Mann Gechenke, er wird zu aufdringlich und der ehemann beendet die Freundschaft, nachdem ihn seine Ehefrau bittet etwas zu unternehmen, möglicher weise hatten die beiden männer in der vergangenheit etwas miteinander zu tun.

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olgi - schrieb am 15.04.2016 12:53:35 Uhr

"The Gift"?

supercontenter - schrieb am 13.01.2021 6:05:40 Uhr

can money buy happiness? distinctive humans have specific critiques. some assume sure, even as others keep the alternative.
it's miles proper that with enough money one can buy all the things one needs, and live a life of comfort and security. but, it's far similarly authentic that loss of money causes terrific misery. it's miles a common view that "cash is the basis of all evil." the pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. in some locations there is nothing that can't be sold with money, ensuing in corrupt societies wherein anyone is miserable.
so, cash does no longer necessarily imply happiness. all of it relies upon on how it's miles used. if we make honest and realistic use of cash, it could be a stepping-stone to happiness l even though cash can't buy happiness, it can make happiness viable if it's miles employed sensibly.